Damage-free analytical beam for SIMS
The GCIB 40 is a 40 kV gas cluster ion beam producing a focused beam of cluster ions for analytical applications where sensitivity to molecular ions is required.
GCIBs are unrivalled in their ability to minimise fragmentation and remove intact molecules from a surface, and now operating at 40 keV delivers excellent ionisation yields too. Featuring selectable cluster sizes from monomer to over 10,000, and a spot size down to 3 µm, the GCIB 40 is a powerful tool for analysing intact molecular ions with high spatial resolution.
Available on the J105 SIMS or as an upgrade to selected third-party instruments. Contact us for more information.
Key Features
- 40 kV gas cluster ion beam with 3 µm spot size.
- Real-time cluster measurement & adjustment.
- Selectable clusters from monomer to > 10,000
- Runs on a range of gases, including Ar, CO2, Ar/CO2
- Water source upgrade available.