


Ionoptika’s instrument and Ion Beams are routinely used to produce leading academic publications. Browse our comprehensive collection of papers to find out more about what these systems could add to your own research.

PCA, PC-CVA, and Random Forest of GCIB-SIMS Data for the Elucidation of Bacterial Envelope Differences in Antibiotic Resistance Research Fransson, Kelly Dimovska Nilsson, Alex Henderson, Anne Farewell, John S. Fletcher2024
Secondary ion mass spectrometry P. Lockyer, Satoka Aoyagi, John S. Fletcher, Ian S. Gilmore, Paul A. W. van der Heide, Katie L. Moore, Bonnie J. Tyler & Lu-Tao Weng2024
Secondary Ion Mass Spectral Imaging of Metals and Alloys 1944/17/2/528Yanjie Shen,
Logan Howard and
Xiao-Ying Yu
ToF-SIMS imaging reveals changes in tumor cell lipids during metastatic progression of melanoma Neittaanmäki, Oscar Zaar, Kevin Sjögren Cehajic, Kelly Dimovska Nilsson, Dimitrios Katsarelias, Roger Olofsson Bagge, John Paoli, John S. Fletcher2024
Lipid organization and turnover in the plasma membrane of human differentiating neural progenitor cells revealed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging Berlin, Alicia A. Lork, Martin Bornecrantz,
Carl Ernst, Nhu T.N. Phan
Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids Alter the Membrane Lipid Composition and Vesicle Size to Regulate Exocytosis and Storage of Catecholamines Gu, Mai H. Philipsen, Andrew G. Ewing2024
Multimodal mass spectrometry imaging identifies cell-type-specific metabolic and lipidomic variation in the mammalian liver Tian, P Rajbhandari, J Tarolli, AM Decker, TV Neelakantan, T Angerer, F Zandkarimi, J Daniels, H Remotti, G Frache, N Winograd, BR Stockwell2024
Cell and tissue imaging by secondary ion mass spectrometry Barut, John S. Fletcher2023
Organ Mapping Antibody Panels: a community resource for standardized multiplexed tissue imaging Quardokus, DC Saunders, E McDonough, JW Hickey, C Werlein, C Surrette, P Rajbhandari, AM Casals, H Tian, L Lowery, EK Neumann, F Björklund, TV Neelakantan, J Croteau, AE Wiblin, J Fisher, AJ Livengood, KG Dowell, JC Silverstein, JM Spraggins, GS Pryhuber, G Deutsch, F Ginty, GP Nolan, AJ Radtke2023
Comparing sputter rates, depth resolution, and ion yields for different Gas Cluster Ion Beams (GCIB): A practical guide to choosing the best GCIB for every application Sano, A Bellew, P Blenkinsopp2023
Comparing sputter rates, depth resolution, and ion yields for different Gas Cluster Ion Beams (GCIB): A practical guide to choosing the best GCIB for every application Barut, X He, E Sener, S Sämfors, AG Ewing, JS Fletcher2023
Sensitivity enhancement using chemically reactive Gas Cluster Ion Beams in secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) Lagator, I Berrueta Razo, T Royle, NP Lockyer2022
Quantitative Chemical Imaging at the Cellular Level: SIMS, Fluorescence, and Correlative Techniques Nguyen, AA Lork, AG Ewing, NTN Phan2022
Direct Mapping of Phospholipid Ferroptotic Death Signals in Cells and Tissues by Gas Cluster Ion Beam Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (GCIB-SIMS) Sparvero, H Tian, AA Amoscato, WY Sun, TS Anthonymuthu, YY Tyurina, O Kapralov, S Javadov, RR He, SC Watkins, N Winograd, VE Kagan, H Bayir2021
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging Reveals Changes in the Lipid Structure of the Plasma Membranes of Hippocampal Neurons following Drugs Affecting Neuronal Activity Gonzalez, B Guobin, MA Gomes de Castro, SO Rizzoli, NTN Phan2021
(CO2)n+, (H2O)n+, and (H2O)n+ (CO2) gas cluster Ion Beam secondary ion mass spectrometry: analysis of lipid extracts, cells, and Alzheimer’s model mouse brain tissue Dimovska Nilsson, A Karagianni, I Kaya, M Henricsson, JS Fletcher2021
Imaging mass spectrometry: a new way to distinguish dermal contact from administration of cocaine, using a single fingerprint Costa, M Jang, J de Jesus, RT Steven, CJ Nikula, E Elia, J Bunch, AT Bellew, JF Watts, S Hinder, MJ Bailey2021
Multiomics Imaging Using High-Energy Water Gas Cluster Ion Beam Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry [(H2O)n-GCIB-SIMS] of Frozen-Hydrated Cells and Tissue Tian, S Sheraz Nee Rabbani, JC Vickerman, N Winograd2021
Successive High-Resolution (H2O)n-GCIB and C60-SIMS Imaging Integrates Multi-Omics in Different Cell Types in Breast Cancer Tissue Tian, LJ Sparvero, TS Anthonymuthu, WY Sun, AA Amoscato, RR He, H Bayir, VE Kagan, N Winograd2021
Interplay between Cocaine, Drug Removal, and Methylphenidate Reversal on Phospholipid Alterations in Drosophila Brain Determined by Imaging Mass Spectrometry Philipsen, NTN Phan, JS Fletcher, AG Ewing2020
Correlated fluorescence microscopy and multi-Ion Beam secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging reveals phosphatidylethanolamine increases in the membrane of cancer cells over-expressing the molecular chaperone subunit CCT? Fletcher, S Samfors, J Vallin, A Svanstrom, J Grantham2020
Metabolomics and mass spectrometry imaging reveal channeled de novo purine synthesis in cells Pareek, H Tian, N Winograd, SJ Benkovic2020
New insights into ToF-SIMS imaging in osteoporotic bone research Kern, S Ray, M Gelinsky, AT Bellew, A Pirkl, M Rohnke2020
TOF-SIMS imaging reveals tumor heterogeneity and inflammatory response markers in the microenvironment of basal cell carcinoma Dimovska Nilsson, N Neittaanmaki, O Zaar, TB Angerer, J Paoli, JS Fletcher2020
Interrogation of chemical changes on, and through, the bacterial envelope of Escherichia coli FabF mutant using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry Dimovska Nilsson, J Granden, A Farewell, JS Fletcher2020
Localised lipid accumulation detected in infarcted mouse heart tissue using ToF-SIMS Samfors, M Stahlman, M Klevstig, J Boren, JS Fletcher2019
SIMS imaging in neuro- and cell biology Agüi-Gonzaleza, Sebastian Jähnea and Nhu T.N. Phan2019
Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry Images Cardiolipins and Phosphatidylethanolamines at the Subcellular Level Tian, LJ Sparvero, P Blenkinsopp, AA Amoscato, SC Watkins, H Bayir, VE Kagan, N Winograd2019
Insights into the histology of planarian flatworm Phagocata gracilis based on location specific, intact lipid information provided by GCIB-ToF-SIMS imaging Angerer, N Chakravarty, MJ Taylor, CD Nicora, DJ Graham, CR Anderton, EH Chudler, LJ Gamble2019
Enhanced Ion Yields Using High Energy Water Cluster Beams for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis and Imaging Sheraz, H Tian, JC Vickerman, P Blenkinsopp, N Winograd, P Cumpson2019
Chemical Changes On, and Through, The Bacterial Envelope in Escherichia coli Mutants Exhibiting Impaired Plasmid Transfer Identified Using Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Dimovska Nilsson, M Palm, J Hood, J Sheriff, A Farewell, JS Fletcher2019
Exploiting the Semidestructive Nature of Gas Cluster Ion Beam Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Simultaneous Localization and Confident Lipid Annotations Angerer, D Velickovic, CD Nicora, JE Kyle, DJ Graham, C Anderton, LJ Gamble2019
C-O Bond Dissociation and Induced Chemical Ionization Using High Energy (CO2)n+ Gas Cluster Ion Beam Tian, D Maciazek, Z Postawa, BJ Garrison, N Winograd2018
The influence of polyatomic primary ion chemistry on matrix effects in secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis Alnajeebi, JC Vickerman, NP Lockyer2018
Benefits of NaCl addition for time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis including the discrimination of diacylglyceride and triacylglyceride ions Samfors, AG Ewing, JS Fletcher2018
Chemical imaging of aggressive basal cell carcinoma using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry Munem, O Zaar, K Dimovska Nilsson, N Neitaanmaki, J Paoli, JS Fletcher2018
On-Tissue Chemical Derivatization of Catecholamines Using 4-(N-Methyl)pyridinium Boronic Acid for ToF-SIMS and LDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry Imaging Kaya, SM Brulls, J Dunevall, E Jennische, S Lange, J Martensson, AG Ewing, P Malmberg, JS Fletcher2018
MS/MS analysis and imaging of lipids across Drosophila brain using secondary ion mass spectrometry Phan, M Munem, AG Ewing, JS Fletcher2017
Label-free visualization of nilotinib-functionalized gold nanoparticles within single mammalian cells by C60- SIMS imaging Bloom, H Tian, C Schoen, N Winograd2017
Gas Cluster Ion Beam Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry High-Resolution Imaging of Cardiolipin Speciation in the Brain: Identification of Molecular Losses after Traumatic Injury Tian, LJ Sparvero, AA Amoscato, A Bloom, H Bayir, VE Kagan, N Winograd2017
Subcellular Chemical Imaging of Antibiotics in Single Bacteria Using C60-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Tian, DA Six, T Krucker, JA Leeds, N Winograd2017
Reduce the matrix effect in biological tissue imaging using dynamic reactive ionization and Gas Cluster Ion Beams Tian, A Wucher, N Winograd2016
Intact lipid imaging of mouse brain samples: MALDI, nanoparticle-laser desorption ionization, and 40 keV argon cluster secondary ion mass spectrometry Mohammadi, NTN Phan, JS Fletcher, AG Ewing2016
Lipid Heterogeneity Resulting from Fatty Acid Processing in the Human Breast Cancer Microenvironment Identified by GCIB-ToF-SIMS Imaging Angerer, Y Magnusson, G Landberg, JS Fletcher2016
Matrix effects in biological SIMS using cluster Ion Beams of different chemical composition Alnajeebi, JC Vickerman, NP Lockyer2016
Optimizing sample preparation for anatomical determination in the hippocampus of rodent brain by ToF-SIMS analysis Angerer, AS Mohammadi, JS Fletcher2016
Rapid multivariate analysis of 3D ToF-SIMS data: graphical processor units (GPUs) and low-discrepancy subsampling for large-scale principal component analysis Cumpson, IW Fletcher, N Sano, AJ Barlow2016
Evaluation of biomolecular distributions in rat brain tissues by means of ToF-SIMS using a continuous beam of Ar clusters Nakano, Y Yokoyama, S Aoyagi, N Himi, JS Fletcher, NP Lockyer, A Henderson, JC Vickerman2016
Design and Manufacture of a High Resolution Orbital-Trapping Mass-Analyser for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Hood, PJ Cumpson2016
Reducing the Matrix Effect in Organic Cluster SIMS Using Dynamic Reactive Ionization Tian, A Wucher, N Winograd2016
CO2 Cluster Ion Beam, an Alternative Projectile for Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Tian, D Maciazek, Z Postawa, BJ Garrison, N Winograd2016
Gas Cluster Ion Beam for the characterization of organic materials in submarine basalts as Mars analogs Sano, GWH Purvis, AJ Barlow, GD Abbott, NND Gray, PJ Cumpson2016
Peptide Fragmentation and Surface Structural Analysis by Means of ToF-SIMS Using Large Cluster Ion Sources Yokoyama, S Aoyagi, M Fujii, J Matsuo, JS Fletcher, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman, MK Passarelli, R Havelund, MP Seah2016
Comparing depth profiling of oxide scale on SOFC interconnect-materials using ToF-SIMS with 69Ga+, Bi3+/Cs+ and C60+/C602+ as primary and sputter ions Hall, JS Fletcher, S Canovic, P Malmberg2015
Significant Enhancement of Negative Secondary Ion Yields by Cluster Ion Bombardment Combined with Cesium Flooding Philipp, TB Angerer, S Samfors, P Blenkinsopp, JS Fletcher, T Wirtz2015
Latest applications of 3D ToF-SIMS bio-imaging Fletcher2015
Lipid Structural Effects of Oral Administration of Methylphenidate in Drosophila Brain by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging Phan, JS Fletcher, AG Ewing2015
Multivariate analysis of extremely large ToFSIMS imaging datasets by a rapid PCA method Cumpson, N Sano, IW Fletcher, JF Portoles, M Bravo-Sanchez, AJ Barlow2015
Molecular Depth Profiling with Argon Gas Cluster Ion Beams Shen, A Wucher, N Winograd2015
Angle Dependence of Argon Gas Cluster Sputtering Yields for Organic Materials Seah, SJ Spencer, AG Shard2015
Measuring Compositions in Organic Depth Profiling: Results from a VAMAS Interlaboratory Study Shard, R Havelund, SJ Spencer, IS Gilmore, MR Alexander, TB Angerer, S Aoyagi, JP Barnes, A Benayad, A Bernasik, G Ceccone, JDP Counsell, C Deeks, JS Fletcher, DJ Graham, C Heuser, TG Lee, C Marie, MM Marzec, G Mishra, D Rading, O Renault, DJ Scurr, HK Shon, V Spampinato, H Tian, F Wang, N Winograd, K Wu, A Wucher, Y Zhou, Z Zhu2015
SIMS A precursor and partner to contemporary mass spectrometry Vickerman, N Winograd2015
3D imaging of biological specimen using MS Fletcher2015
Enhancing Ion Yields in Time-of-Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: A Comparative Study of Argon and Water Cluster Primary Beams Sheraz nee Rabbani, I Berrueta Razo, T Kohn, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman2015
Improved Molecular Imaging in Rodent Brain with Time-of-Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Using Gas Cluster Ion Beams and Reactive Vapor Exposure Angerer, M Dowlatshahi Pour, P Malmberg, JS Fletcher2015
High energy gas cluster ions for organic and biological analysis by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry Angerer, P Blenkinsopp, JS Fletcher2015
Mass spectrometric imaging of brain tissue by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry How do polyatomic primary beams C60+, Ar2000+, water-doped Ar2000+ and (H2O)6000+ compare? Berrueta Razo, Sadia Sheraz nee Rabbani, A Henderson, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman2015
Dynamic Reactive Ionization with Cluster Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Tian, A Wucher, N Winograd2015
Cluster secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging of interfacial reactions of TiO2 microspheres embedded in ionic liquids Shen, JG Tarolli, N Winograd2015
C60-SIMS imaging of nanoparticles within mammalian cells Bloom, H Tian, N Winograd2015
ToF-SIMS as a tool for profiling lipids in cancer and other diseases Denbigh, NP Lockyer2015
Cluster Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Kozole, N Winograd2014
Formation of Neutral InmCn Clusters under C60 Ion Bombardment of Indium Breuer, A Kucher, M Herder, A Wucher, N Winograd2014
Gold and silver nanoparticle-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry compatible with secondary ion mass spectrometry for lipid analysis Mohammadi, JS Fletcher, P Malmberg, AG Ewing2014
Comparing C60+ and (H2O)n+ clusters for mouse brain tissue analysis Berrueta Razo, Sadia Sheraz, A Henderson, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman2014
Prospect of increasing secondary ion yields in ToF-SIMS using water cluster primary Ion Beams Sheraz nee Rabbani, A Barber, I Berrueta Razo, JS Fletcher, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman2014
Spatiotemporal lipid profiling during early embryo development of Xenopus laevis using dynamic ToF-SIMS imaging Tian, JS Fletcher, R Thuret, N Papalopulu, JC Vickerman, NP Lockyer2014
Near Infrared (NIR) Strong Field Ionization and Imaging of C60 Sputtered Molecules: Overcoming Matrix Effects and Improving Sensitivity Kucher, LM Jackson, JO Lerach, AN Bloom, NJ Popczun, A Wucher, N Winograd2014
Improving Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Image Quality with Image Fusion Tarolli, LM Jackson, N Winograd2014
Application of pan-sharpening to SIMS imaging Tarolli, H Tian, N Winograd2014
Molecular imaging of biological tissue using gas cluster ions Tian, A Wucher, N Winograd2014
Investigations Into the Interactions of a MALDI Matrix with Organic Thin Films Using C60+ SIMS Depth Profiling Lerach, S Keskin, N Winograd2014
Dye-enhanced imaging of mammalian cells with SIMS Bloom, N Winograd2014
Sample Preparation for 3D SIMS Chemical Imaging of Cells Winograd, A Bloom2014
Imaging Mass Spectrometry on the Nanoscale with Cluster Ion Beams Winograd2014
ToF-SIMS imaging of lipids and lipid related compounds in Drosophila brain Phan, JS Fletcher, P Sjovall, AG Ewing2014
Maximising the potential for bacterial phenotyping using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry with multivariate analysis and Tandem Mass Spectrometry Wehrli, E Lindberg, TB Angerer, AE Wold, J Gottfries, JS Fletcher2014
Analysis of liposome model systems by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry Lovric, JD Keighron, TB Angerer, X Li, P Malmberg, JS Fletcher, AG Ewing2014
3D Imaging of TiO2 nanoparticle accumulation in Tetrahymena pyriformis Angerer, JS Fletcher2014
Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry, and Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry Henkel, J Gilmour2013
A mixed cluster Ion Beam to enhance the ionization efficiency in molecular secondary ion mass spectrometry Wucher, H Tian, N Winograd2013
Depth Profiling of Metal Overlayers on Organic Substrates with Cluster SIMS Shen, D Mao, BJ Garrison, A Wucher, N Winograd2013
Peptide structural analysis using continuous Ar cluster and C60 Ion Beams Aoyagi, JS Fletcher, S Sheraz nee Rabbani, T Kawashima, I Berrueta Razo, A Henderson, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman2013
Enhancing Secondary Ion Yields in Time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Using Water Cluster Primary Beams Sheraz nee Rabbani, A Barber, JS Fletcher, NP Lockyer, JC Vickerman2013
Cluster TOF-SIMS Imaging and the Characterization of Biological Materials Vickerman, N Winograd2013
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Biological Cells and Tissues Lockyer2013
Single Ion Implantation of Bismuth Cassidy, P Blenkinsopp, I Brown, RJ Curry, BN Murdin, R Webb, D Cox2020
Investigating the formation of isotopically pure layers for quantum computers using ion implantation and layer exchange England, D Cox, N Cassidy, B Mirkhaydarov, A Perez-Fadon2019
Depth analysis of local conformation in poly(methyl methacrylate) adsorbed onto SiOx studied by soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy combined with an Ar gas cluster Ion Beam Yamane,
Masaki Oura,
Daisuke Kawaguchi,
Kiyofumi Nitta,
Oki Sekizawa,
Tetsuya Ishikawa,
Satoru Yamamoto,
Keiji Tanaka,
Takaki Hatsui
In-depth analysis of iodine in artificial biofilm model layers by variable excitation energy XPS and argon gas cluster ion sputtering XPS Dietrich, M Kjærvik, E Willneff, WES Unger2022
Gas Cluster Ion Beam SEM for imaging of large tissue samples with 10?nm isotropic resolution Hayworth, D Peale, M Januszewski, GW Knott, Z Lu, CS Xu, HF Hess2019
Serial Thick Section Gas Cluster Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy Hayworth, D Peale, Z Lu, CS Xu, HF Hess2018
Depth resolution at organic interfaces sputtered by argon gas cluster ions: the effect of energy, angle and cluster size Seah, SJ Spencer, R Havelund, IS Gilmore, AG Shard2015
Analysis of protein coatings on gold nanoparticles by XPS and liquid-based particle sizing techniques Belsey, AG Shard, C Minelli2015