J Series III


J Series III


Our most innovative solution yet.

The J Series III takes Ionoptika’s J105 Cluster SIMS to a new level. It offers 2D and 3D molecular and elemental imaging with a high mass range, consistently high mass resolving power, and unsurpassed sensitivity.

Developed originally to use Gas Cluster Ion Beams (GCIB) for ToF-SIMS, the J Series III creates a vast range of experimental conditions. From high-energy small Ar clusters, ideal for reducing preferential sputtering of hybrid materials, to giant water clusters to lift intact proteins from biological samples, it offers precision and consistency.

What’s more, with the unique 70kV GCIB and the ability to add C60 clusters, plasma, and liquid metal columns, there’s no need to compromise.

Want to find out more about the J Series III? Request a brochure today.


What the J Series III offers you:

Consistently high mass resolving power across all sample types.
Up to three analysis guns including the unique 70 kV GCIB, water source, and high-performance plasma gun.
NEW long-term cryo system, significantly reducing LN2 consumption for multi-day cryo analysis.
NEW sample stage with a larger analysis area.
Superb Z-resolution for 3D imaging and depth profiling.
Significantly increased transmission, offering unsurpassed sensitivity.

GCIB SIMS enables advanced complex sample analysis.

GCIB SIMS is not constrained by the same factors as traditional ToF SIMS instruments that use monoatomic beams. Whilst these are excellent for homogenous, hard materials, monoatomic beams at high energies can cause significant damage. This might result in inter-layer mixing, subsurface damage, and fragmentation of higher molecular weight species.
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GCIB offers something different.

With the J Series III, analysis of highly complex samples like biological issues, hybrid multi-layered materials, polymers, and samples with complex topography becomes feasible.

By using a GCIB Analysis Beam at high total beam energy, the J Series III is able to use extremely large clusters up to 30,000 Ar or 60,000 H2O. The total beam energy is distributed over the number of atoms in the cluster, giving a versatile e/n energy ranging from 2 to 2,000 eV.

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Learn more about how the J Series III works in practice.

Large clusters give rise to very low e/n.

This means that when they are used to bombard a surface, they:

Significantly reduce fragmentation. This means that lifting off high molecular weight species such as lipids, peptides, and even small proteins becomes entirely feasible.
Reduce subsurface damage and inter-layer mixing.

All of this results in 3D depth profiling and imaging being not just possible but simple. When you use GCIB as the primary beam for analysis, there is no requirement to clean or remove damaged layers.

Furthermore, no etch-only cycle is needed, and all sputtered secondary ions are simultaneously sputtered and analysed, giving rise to superior depth resolution and profiling.

70kV GCIB optimises high-energy etching.

The 70kV GCIB facilitates work with smaller, dense, high-energy clusters at very high total beam energy. With these, it’s possible to etch through materials whilst reducing preferential sputtering. The smaller clusters with a higher e/n are optimal for mixed and hybrid materials like perovskites, OLEDs, and glass.

GCIB SIMS enables precise 3D analysis for biological samples.

Traditional ToF SIMS is seldom used for biological samples. This is because of the high energy, monoatomic Ion Beams, which fragment the high molecular weight species of interest to biologists, such as lipids, peptides, and small proteins.

However, the alternative soft ionisation techniques are also suboptimal. Samples are often treated with a matrix, 3D imaging is impossible, and analysis is at room temperature.

Using GCIB SIMS, the J Series III offers the best of both worlds. It benefits from spatial resolution, low fragmentation, low damage, and 3D analysis, all in cryogenic conditions.


The J Series III can be configured for your application.

The J Series III is available with a choice of up to three Primary Analysis Beams.


Highest energy commercially available GCIB, covering a vast range of analysis conditions.
Water source is used for superior sensitivity (> 500-fold) of low abundance analytes.
Image high mass molecular species down to 1.5um.
Fast, non-preferential sputtering of hybrid samples in high-energy/low cluster-mode.

C60-40 Ion Beam

Low levels of preferential sputtering and low fragmentation compared to monoatomic beams.
Image mixed materials or lower mass biological analytes at 300nm spatial resolution.


30kV ECR plasma gun (Xe, O2, He) for fast sputtering with high brightness.
Perfect for imaging of metals down to 200nm.


For correlative work or traditional SIMS of hard materials.
The best spatial resolution at 100nm.

Next-Generation Cryo Sample Handling

NEW cryo-compatible glovebox for easy, ice-free sample transfer.
NEW cryo-stage offering vastly reduced LN2 consumption.
Small 12L integral Dewar lasting up to 24 hours fully compatible with commercial auto-fill systems for unattended multi-day analysis.
Easily integrates into the cryo and vacuum workflows for sensitive biological and materials analysis.

Unique Analyser

Unique buncher-ToF analyser delivers high mass resolution and mass accuracy, irrespective of ion beam type
Allows for high mass accuracy and mass resolution on very rough samples and curved surfaces.

Tandem MS Mode

For definitive peak assignments, tandem MS mode is always included.
Select the parent ion of interest and fragment it in a high-energy collision cell, producing a characteristic daughter spectrum.

Specialist Analysis Software

2D and 3D analysis built around imaging, with real-time spectral/image scanning.
Quickly identify patterns within the data, find related peaks, and make tentative assignments.
Fast image mode allows you to view even large data sets on a laptop.

Want to see what the J Series III SIMS can do? Get in touch today to book a demonstration.